Rebecca Sinclair | |

I'll take 'What is 'Super
Storm Sandy? for
$400, Alex....
Rebecca Sinclair | |
Found buried deep inside the ol' Sinclair Family Album
Larry Niven ... my cat's favorite author. Stinky (unfortunately for her, that is her name) refuses to go to bed without her favorite book. Stinky is still more than a wee bit annoyed about being kicked out of her spot (at the top of the webpage, not the laundry basket!) by the Handsome Hunk with the Throbbing Abs of Steel. lol!
Barnes & Noble
Montana WildfireThere were rules meant to keep them apart....
But weren't rules meant to be broken?Order Now:
- (Complete to March 2013)
- California Caress — ISBN#: 0-8217-2771-0
Passion's Wild Delight — ISBN#: 0-8217-2998-5- Prairie Angel — ISBN#: 0-8217-3225-0
- Wild Scottish Embrace — ISBN#: 0-8217-3445-8
- Montana Wildfire — ISBN#: 0-8217-3617-5
- Forbidden Desires — ISBN#: 0-8217-3796-1
- Scottish Ecstasy — ISBN#: 0-8217-4156-X
- Sweet Texas Kiss ISBN#: 0-8217-4493-3
- Forevermore — ISBN#: 0-8217-4837-8
- Perfect Strangers — ISBN# 0-8217-5266-9
- Scottish Ecstasy — (Special Hardcover Edition)
- Golden Dreams — ISBN# 0-8217-5683-4
- Heart's Whisper — ISBN# 0-8217-5885-3
* Murphy's Law
*§ California Caress
*§ Montana Wildfire
*§ Perfect Strangers
* digital
*§ digital, available now!
The envelope, please! Today's winner of
Most Ignored Backtitle
goes to...?Murphy's Law
Can Murphy McKenna's conscience allow her to turn her back on the handsome stranger?
A man who may be a common thief, an uncommon bank robber....
or worse?
"Imagination is more important than knowledge.
"Knowledge is limited.
"Imagination encircles the world."
![]() |
Rebecca Sinclair has lived on the rocky eastern seacoast of New England all her life; first in Maine, where she was born, then in Massachusetts, whereshe grew up, and finally settling in the biggest little state of the union: Rhode Island. For the last 15 years she's lived in a large turn-of-the-century (the last century; circa 1865) house … that came complete with a widow's walk, a Table-of-Death (shhh, don't ask) and...well, what New England house worth it's cellar would be complete without a ghost? Or two.
Her favorite time to write is in the wee, wee hours of the morning, when all the "sane" people are asleep.
For the very curious, you can read an interview with Reb here, or even more in-depth one here.
Aside from the ^^^ above social networks, you can get in touch with her by the following methods:
Postal:Rebecca Sinclair
PO Box 15385
E.Providence, RI 02915
Extended by request:
Please send a business-sized SASE (Self-Addressed Business-Sized Stamped Envelope) to the address above and Reb will send you either an autographed bookmark or a few trading cards. Whichever you'd like. You decide!
Please put "ATT: BOOKMARK" or "ATT: TRADING CARDS" on the front of the envelope, bottom-left side!(Yes, by all means do go right ahead and wite "both!")
P.S. Can I confide in you? Because I just can't keep this to myself anymore. Here it is, my awful little truth:
I am soooo behind on, well, everything right now! Offline mail as well as on. I apologize—profusely!!!—to anyone who is waiting for anything from me. I'll get to it. I promise! When? Um, how about right after I update the website? ;)
Sign up using the form below for Rebecca's World. Reb's newsletter is sent out sporadically, but as soon as Heather and I get a new issue ready, it'll be in your email box. I'll deliver it myself!**Note: You will ONLY receive Reb's newsletter. Ever. Your name will never be sold, never given away, never bartered, traded or haggled for mountain goats. It (your name, not the goats) MAY be groaned in Gerard Butler's ear during a long, slow session of steamy, sweaty animal sex that you need know nothing about (probably), but, hey, no worries on that score — he (Gerry, not the goats) has vowed to forget your email addy as soon as his PR people have it memorized. Now, you were about to sign something...?
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Hey, Everyone!
Look Who Just Turned 2!